Three Ways To Amp Up Your Bath (Relaxation & Gorgeous Skin Guaranteed!)

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I love taking showers just as much as the next person, but taking a bath after a long day is one of the greatest ways to relax, unwind, de-stress and detoxify outside of a salon!

Here are 3 easy ways to make your bath even more luxurious using simple ingredients you probably already have in your home.


There are many essential oils that you can add to your water, below are some of the most popular and their benefits:

Lavender Oil — Has a calm and soothing scent, and is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, and balance and boost your mood.

Peppermint Oil — In addition to boosting circulation, peppermint oil also soothes itchy skin and relieves tiredness. You can also expect brighter and toned skin.

Chamomile Oil — The effects of chamomile oil may help you sleep better by alleviating aches, pains, and anxiety.

One thing to be aware of is that essential oils do not disperse in water, remember, oil and water don’t mix!

And given the potency of essential oils, your serene bath time may end up feeling like a flame bath, so you have to combine what is called a ‘carrier oil’ with your essential oil of choice first to dilute it!

Try using jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, black seed oil, argan oil, rosehip oil or olive oil.


Follow in Cleopatra’s footsteps by bathing in milk for silky smooth skin. According to Healthline, milk baths may be “beneficial for a number of skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin.

Milk contains lactic acid which helps to break down dead skin cells and prevents dehydration.

Almost any milk will do, including buttermilk, coconut milk or cow’s milk - just make sure it’s the full-fat version to reap all the benefits.

Simply pour the milk of your choice into your luxury bath, you could even consider adding honey, essential oils or bath salts too.


Not the breakfast-in-the-morning kind of oatmeal, the oats you’ll need for your bath should be colloidal oatmeal which is a very fine ground oat that can contain bran, germ and endosperm. Regular oatmeal typically contains only the oat groat.

Adding colloidal oatmeal to your bathwater is perfect for getting softer skin, as it has natural exfoliating properties that will help to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin while soothing any irritation caused by various skin conditions including dryness, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Just sprinkle a cup into your lukewarm bath as it is setting and soak in it for 15-20 minutes. Once you’ve pat dry your skin, go full-force and apply a colloidal oatmeal moisturiser like the Aveeno Moisturising Cream for longer-lasting results!

Chanel Campbell

Founder of The Style Diary | 30-Something Fashionista | Pop-Culture Junkie

Alongside hunting for purse-friendly jeans or buying yet another cushion for my sofa, I’m a fun-loving mum from London who loves eating out, summer festivals, and binge-watching horror movies!


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