Let’s Talk Back Facials! The Secret To Silky Smooth Skin

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Welcome to the spa treatment that’s got your back—literally!

It’s called a back facial, A.K.A. ‘the bacial,’ and it’s growing in popularity among many who feel like this often-neglected part of the body deserves some love. Besides, who says your face should have all the fun?

In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about back facials, so you can feel informed before booking that trip to the beauty salon.

What Is A Back Facial?

A back facial is a spa treatment that focuses on cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating the skin on the back.

Just like a regular facial targets the skin on the face, a back facial is specifically designed to address the unique needs of the back, which often gets ignored in regular skincare routines—no judgment here!

Acne, clogged pores, blackheads, and dry skin are not just issues that typically affect skin on the face; the back is prone to those issues too!

And, to be honest, it’s not really that surprising.

While some find it very tricky to reach those spots on their backs and wash them properly without the proper tools, others just forget—which, given the fact that humans sweat between 0.5-2 litres on average per day, this is super bad news, and that’s without even hitting the gym!

According to Dr Sonia Khorana, a GP with a special interest in dermatology, “If you don’t wash your back well, you may have to contend with serious sweat and dead skin build-up, which can eventually clog pores”.

So, while a back facial certainly offers your dorsal side a well-deserved moment in the spotlight, it’s crucial to remember that maintaining a clean back daily is important too!

What Are The Benefits Of A Back Facial?

A back facial offers many benefits that extend beyond just pampering.

Here are all the benefits of a back facial:

  1. Firstly, it effectively targets and treats various skin concerns such as acne, clogged pores, and congestion, by removing dirt, oils and impurities to reveal a clearer and smoother skin texture.

  2. Additionally, the exfoliation process involved helps to remove dead skin cells, promote cell turnover, and prevent breakouts. The esthetician may use specialised tools to extract blackheads or whiteheads, too.

  3. The cleansing and detoxifying process can also help to reduce inflammation and redness, resulting in a more even skin tone.

  4. The massage techniques incorporated in a back facial help to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation, offering both physical and mental rejuvenation.

  5. Once the skin is thoroughly cleansed and exfoliated, a hydrating mask is applied and left on for a specific duration to allow the ingredients to nourish and hydrate the skin.

Yeah, I know, it sounds amazeballs, but is it suitable for everyone?

Who Should Get A Back Facial?

Back facials are beneficial for anyone who wants to improve the appearance and health of their back’s skin.

But here are some examples of people who may get the best benefits from a back facial:

  • People who struggle with back acne or ‘bacne’ will benefit from unclogging pores and reduced breakouts.

  • A back facial can be a great pre-wedding treatment for brides who want to have flawless skin on their backs for their special day.

  • Athletes who sweat a lot and experience back acne may find back facials helpful in keeping their skin clear and healthy.

  • Individuals with dry or rough skin on their backs can benefit from the exfoliating and hydrating properties of a back facial to achieve a smoother and softer skin texture.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects?

While back facials are generally safe and beneficial, there are potential side effects to consider, albeit rare. These may include:

  1. Skin irritation or sensitivity: Some individuals may experience temporary redness, itching, or irritation after a back facial, especially if they have sensitive skin or are allergic to any of the products used during the treatment.

  2. Breakouts: In some cases, a back facial can temporarily cause breakouts, particularly if the skin is being deeply cleansed and exfoliated. This is often a result of impurities being brought to the surface of the skin.

  3. Sun sensitivity: Exfoliation during a back facial can make the skin more susceptible to sunburn. It’s essential to apply sunscreen and avoid prolonged sun exposure following the treatment.

  4. Allergic reactions: If you have allergies to any of the ingredients in the products used during the back facial, you may experience allergic reactions such as itching, redness, or swelling.

  5. Infection: If proper hygiene practices are not followed during the treatment, there is a risk of bacterial infection, particularly if any extractions are performed. That’s why finding a great salon is your best bet for a quality experience, speaking of…

Where To Get A Back Facial In London?

Treatwell has a list of the best-rated salons in London that offer back facial treatments. Click here to find out more.

Price Of A Back Facial Treatment

Prices range from £40-£70 depending on what salon you choose and how long the treatment lasts.

Back Facial Treatment Aftercare

Joanna Vargas, a celebrity facialist and the founder of Joanna Vargas Salons tells Byrdie that it’s important to use body lotion or oils after showering to lock in moisture. Additionally, she recommends daily dry brushing to maintain exfoliation.

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Chanel Campbell

Founder of The Style Diary | 30-Something Fashionista | Pop-Culture Junkie

Alongside hunting for purse-friendly jeans or buying yet another cushion for my sofa, I’m a fun-loving mum from London who loves eating out, summer festivals, and binge-watching horror movies!


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